Uptown Jackson Revitalization Organization
Our vision as an organization is to reflect that we are a vibrant, bustling, pedestrian-oriented community. We offer a variety of activities and experiences that support existing businesses and attract new ones while drawing visitors as well as past and present residents. We strive to preserve the character of an outstanding community with unique qualities to be treasured, occasionally polished, and frequently put on display.
Uptown Jackson approaches revitalization based on a comprehensive nature. By carefully integrating four points into a practical uptown management strategy, the local Main Street® program produces fundamental change in a community's economic base, while preserving its historic commercial buildings and the community's unique heritage. The goal is to create a sustainable organization that functions as the revitalization leader in the community.
We are always looking for individuals to join our mission. If you would like to learn more about Uptown Jackson, and maybe join one of our committees, please contact us! Send a note to Erin Ressler at uptownjacksonmo@gmail.com.